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Hello, I'm Hayley 

I'm a nutritional practitioner, holistic culinary chef and owner of  Williams Wellness.

After years of doctors and specialist appointments with no end in sight and my acne only getting worse, I knew it was time to take matters into my own hands...

My Story 

For the last decade I have been on a journey of learning and self improvement. 

I was 20 years young and had just made the bold move from my hometown of Vancouver BC to pursue a career in California, when I started experiencing abnormal hormonal issues. All my life, up until this point, I had clear skin and suddenly without any explanation within the first few days of my moving I started noticing extreme skin issues.

Little did I know at the time that these skin issues would continue to get worse and worse over the course of the following four years.

For anyone who has experienced cystic acne, you know how crippling and lonely you can feel. I remember a saying in the restaurant industry (as I worked as a host from the age of 17 to 19), 'being a hostess you are the face of the restaurant and the first interaction with customers is going to be how they remember their entire experience'. Suffering with cystic acne, you constantly have your guard up as we live in a world where your appearance is unfortunelty, the first impression you leave on people. Even as I sit here writing this, I can still feel the laser beam stares and silent judging of people critiquing my hygine and diet, when in actuality.. I had pristine dietary and hygiene habits! 

This wasn't me. Embarrassed and ashamed of how bad my skin was, I had started skipping out on all social events, covering myself in pounds of concealer when I would make and appearance anywhere (which only ever exasperated a flare up), saying "no" to friends and family when they asked to get together and started to not feel like a good enough partner in my relationship. I had developed a negative relationship with my appearance and body image. This relationship lead me to being fixated with taking ownership of all the things I could control in my life, such as my weight. And so, I developed a body dysmorphia condition called Orthorexia. 

I was obsessed with this feeling of control for the first time in months .Yes, the acne was still there, however I started to notice other changes within my body such as the absence of my menstrual cycle. 

For years it was a vicious cycle of skin flare ups and painful periods, that is when I did get my period. I went to countless doctors, dermatologists, naturopaths,&  aestheticians with very little resolve. In fact, this is when I had the realization of just how corrupt our fast paced modern medical world really is. After countless doctors and dermatologists recommending either birth control pills or Accutane, my breaking point was when I spent $1,000 for a naturopathic doctor to spend a total of 10 minutes with me and giving me a diagnosis of being 'magnesium deficient' and that weekly $250 magnesium injections could solve my problems. It was this moment that I knew I needed to take maters into my own hands. 

From here I have dedicated the last decade to learning all that I can about natural health. In my research I was able to take a deep dive into understanding and finally resolving my hormonal issues. I had also discovered the beautiful world of Holistic Nutrition and at the age of 28 graduated from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition at the top of my class. 

Fast forward to today, and my personal health crisis has now lead me down a path of passion and integrity in the world of holistic nutrition, having helped dozens of clients in my last two years of practice, with their own hormonal issues. 

As I reflect on my own health journey and what lead me to the practitioner that I am today, it's such a liberating feeling. Years of unknowns and self conflict, all the highs and lows, make where I am now with my health, and as a person, feel so established. All the trials and tribulations have led me to my calling. Was it easy? NO! Not in the slightest. But, in hindsight I needed to go thru this personal development in order to have the life that I do now and share my knowledge and expertise with others going thru the same complications. Without the struggles, I wouldn't be able to appreciate all the good. 

I communicate this so clearly with anyone who steps foot in Williams Wellness. Problems arn't going to be solved within a day, a week or even a few months. My own journey lasted years. I will often say, however long you have struggled with a health issue is normally how long it will take to return to your 'normal self' again. This can be hard to comprehend in our 'right at our fingertips', easily accessible world that we live in today,  but I can first hand guarantee that, it's so worth the journey to feel as liberated as I do now with my own health and my individual self! If I were to have listened to my dermatologist and tried Accutane or a medication for a quick fix, my acne would have cleared up I'm sure... until the day I would have discontinued using said medications. Then what? This is why I value the journey I endured so much. By focusing on detecting what the root cause(s) were and, by actually understanding the reason behind my acne, I was able to create lasting changes. No offence to any one who has ever used medication to help clear their acne.. I just would like you to know that you do have options! Options that get down to the root cause of the acne for life, and not just a bandaid fix!

Today, I can graciously say that I have overcome my personal struggles with my self image. I now enjoy healthy foods as a form of nourishment, and not as a method to control my weight. On the rare occasion, if I do have a breakout, its always minor and I fully understand the lifestyle or dietary factors that contributed to it, and they go away within a matter of a day or two. My body and I have a very healthy relationship with each other.  I have a career that is fuelled by passion and most importantly purpose... and all because of my hormonal struggles. I  love being social with friends and family and have strong and loving relationships, as my personal appearance no longer weighs be down. And.. That relationship that I didn't feel worthy of being in, has now blossomed into a beautiful and ever so fulfilled marriage. 

Having this knowledge of understanding my body, makes it easy for me to grasp and control the outcome of a symptom. I used to want to be a teacher growing up and although my individual path led me here instead, in a lot of ways I do still feel like I became one. I love educating my clients about the body, biology and why a certain symptom may be showing up. Knowledge really is power and the more people know themselves and can understand why something is happening to them, they are more able to overcome a situation and an ailment. 

Want to know more about Williams Wellness and what it would mean to be my client? Check out my 'work with me' page for more details. 

In good health, 

Hayley Williams-Takatch


I was now spiralling.

The process wasn't easy

Without the journey, I wouldn't be able to appreciate the destination 

Knowledge is POWER


The Credentials 

Stay Connected 

The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (diploma program, 2020)
R.H.N. (Registered Holistic Nutritionist)

Holistic Culinary Certification  (CSNN, 2020)


About Williams Wellness

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Williams Wellness is a source of holistic principles based off personal experience as well as education in an effort to; clear your acne, harmonize hormone imbalances, improve all aspects of the natural ageing process and optimize health and wellbeing in every area of life. Williams Wellness includes plant-based food recipes, nutrition tips and self-care practices.

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